Topstone Software Consulting

Listing Amazon Web Services S3 Directories


The Java call below shows how paginated listing can be used to return the keys in an Amazon Web Services "directory".

S3 Directories (a.k.a. key lists)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 storage is a massively parallel network resource that can be used to store large amounts of data with high reliability and relatively low cost. This makes S3 a key component for many applications ranging from web log analysis to company data lakes.

AWS S3 storage is structured around "buckets" which are globally unique logical containers for S3 content. The files that are stored in S3 are referenced via keys, which are logically structured like directories. For example, the content for is stored in an S3 bucket named The article Spring and DynamoDB has the S3 key

A logical view of S3 keys allows them to be treated as directories. The spring_and_dynamodb.html file is stored in the logical directory publications. The AWS software allows S3 keys to be listed with a given prefix (for example, "publications").

S3 buckets often store large numbers of keys. Even when the keys are distributed within "sub-directories", the contents of a sub-directory often cannot be listed in a single operation because the number of keys returned would not fit in memory.

The AWS Java SDK supports paginated directory listing. There are two ways (in theory) to list directories. A "continuation" token can be returned by the ListObjectsV2Result (via the getContinuationToken() function) or an S3 key can be passed to the ListObjectsV2Result startAfter() function. I have never been able to get the continuation token to work. The code below uses the last S3 key from the previous list operation as the start for the next key list.

Maven POM dependencies


S3DirectoryList Class

The source code for the class is available here.

This code is published under the Apache 2 license

package com.topstonesoftware.aws_s3;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * <p>
 * Read an S3 directory as a potentially paginated list of S3 keys (e.g., S3 file paths).
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     S3 directories can be very large. The directory cannot be listed in a single operation because
 *     of memory limitations and network performance (S3 is an HTTP resource). This class allows blocks
 *     of directory names to be read so that the entire directory can be read in a paginated fashion.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     The S3 directory structure may consist of a set of prefixes (logical sub-directories):
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 *     foo/
 *         my_file_1
 *         my_file_2
 *     bar/
 *         your_file_1
 *         your_file_2
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 *     Here the prefixes are "foo" and "bar"  If the prefix is provided, only the S3 paths that include tht prefix
 *     will be included in the "directory" list.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     This class should be called once for a given S3 bucket and prefix.
 * </p>
public class S3DirectoryList {
  private final AmazonS3 amazonS3;
  private final String bucket;
  private final String prefix;
  private String startAfter = null;

   * @param amazonS3 The authenticated AmazonS3 client
   * @param bucket The bucket to be listed.
   * @param prefix The prefix within the bucket. If no prefix is needed the prefix should be the
   *               empty string "".
  public S3DirectoryList(AmazonS3 amazonS3, String bucket, String prefix) {
    this.amazonS3 = amazonS3;
    this.bucket = bucket;
    this.prefix = prefix;

   * Return a list of S3 file names for the bucket/prefix.
   * @param numToRead the maximum number of S3 paths to return.
   * @return a list of S3 directory paths. If all of the paths have been read, then a list of length
   *         zero will be returned.
  public List < String > listDirectory(final int numToRead) {
    List < String > keyList = new ArrayList < > ();
    ListObjectsV2Result listObjects;
    int numRemaining = numToRead;
    do {
      var request = new ListObjectsV2Request();
      if (startAfter != null) {

      listObjects = amazonS3.listObjectsV2(request);
      List < String > filePathList = listObjects.getObjectSummaries().stream().map(S3ObjectSummary::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList());
      numRemaining = numRemaining - filePathList.size();
      if (!filePathList.isEmpty()) {
        startAfter = filePathList.get(filePathList.size() - 1);
    } while (listObjects.isTruncated() && numRemaining > 0);
    return keyList;
